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Atherosclerosis - Cardiovascular diseases


One of the most widespread diseases of this Century so far is atherosclerosis, or clogging, thickening of blood vessels. Due to elevated levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood of about 90% of the population over 40-45 years, has a predisposition to atherosclerosis.

It is the most common and serious disease that affects the blood vessels. As a consequence of the oxidation of bad cholesterol, atheroma are created (thickening and damage to the inside of the arteries), which causes poor blood circulation and weak flow of food and oxygen to the cells. The consequences are insufficient blood circulation and the development of pathological processes in different organs, heart attack and stroke, gangrene of the lower extremities, etc. 

In addition to increased levels of blood lipids, cholesterol and triglycerides respectively, the risk factors of atherosclerosis are elevated blood pressure, increased blood sugar, obesity, stress, and hereditary traits. However, the most important factor of atheroma is increased blood pressure.

Published studies of zeolite supportive therapies in atherosclerosis indicate that zeolite significantly lowers the level of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood serum of the patient, including patients with thrombosis of the lower extremities. (Patients from IIV to IV phases according to the Pokrovsky classification).

Clinical studies confirm that zeolite prevents atherosclerosis, that is, stroke, heart attack and thrombosis of the lower extremities, as its most dangerous consequences. It also increases contractility and strength of the heart muscle and contributes to normalization of heart rate, by stopping bradycardia or tachycardia. It helps regulation, stabilization and optimization of blood pressure.

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