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Dentistry and Oral cavity


Zeolites can be useful with dental problems, such as plaque, and periodontal disease, and a disease and damage to the oral mucosa. 

Plaque appears between the teeth as yellow, almost gray layer, which favors the development of caries. Most often these are areas that are less accessible for cleaning. Plaque is fully removed with Dentominom, zeolite powder with ultra fine micronization. It protects the teeth and enamel, and the filtering effect is felt right during brushing.

Periodontal disease
Inflammation of the gums results in damage to the bones and teeth, and various undesirable microorganisms appear in the mouth. Dentomin, a registered zeolite product, shows prominent antibacterial activity against Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus mitis.

The oral cavity

Damage to the soft tissues of the oral cavity is common, and occurs as a result of accidental injuries, surgical procedures,

such as teeth removal, and certain radical surgical treatments, and so on. Treatment of these wounds can vary greatly among different patients, but is usually accompanied by the inflammatory reaction. Important role in the healing process is adequately chosen therapy. Clinical study on the application of zeolite in the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity showed that zeolite is one of the modern ways of regeneration, because it has immunomodulatory and antioxidant properties, and enhances the anti-inflammatory action, which has long-term beneficial effect on the healing process in general and particularly in the oral cavity.

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