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Snowdrop Zeolite
..discussing the health benefits of
TMAZ Zeolite Clinoptilolite.
Anti-cancer> Antioxidant> Anti-fungal> Immune booster>
PH Balancer> Heavy Metal Chelation> Radiation Removal>
Wound Treatment> Athletes recovery time reduction> IBS Reliever> Weight loss aid> Reduces Hepatitis & Herpies Symptoms> Antiacid>
Here you will find a collection of personal accounts from people who have used TMAZ Zeolite 20>microns for six weeks at least with a dosage of around 10g per day.
We hope to build a collection of these stories so please get in touch if you have any of your own..
Shirleys Story
'I was introduced to Zeolite by my daughters friend. I was told how good it was,
I was a bit sceptical but thought I'd try it anyway, I'd got to that stage in life when blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose levels etc where becoming an issue. Genetically I was predisposed to having any or all of these. I also had gestational diabetes when pregnant and was told that this could render me more prone to developing diabetes when older, so bearing that in mind I tried zeolite. Quite frankly I've been pleasantly surprised!!
I went to the GP for an annual review and found that my Bp was under control with medication but amazingly my cholesterol levels and glucose levels had dropped significantly. My GP was quite surprised, she asked me if I was taking anything other than prescribed medication or had I changed my diet, so I mentioned zeolite, she googled it while I was there and seemed intrigued she checked to make sure it was ok for me to carry on with zeolite whilst taking my prescribed BP meds, she saw no problems so she is happy for me to continue taking zeolite.
Another benefit I've found is that the whites of my eyes are brighter and the red rings I have around my eyes are fading, my skin is clearer and people comment that I 'look well'. My hair is more shiny and feels better. I used to smoke but gave up approximately 8years ago. This left me with a slight cough usually only the mornings, now it's hardly there.
I shall continue taking zeolite for as long as I can'
Shirley - NHS Professional
Jessies story
"After spending a long time looking for something to help me to detox from heavy metals and nano sized pollutants etc I came across the mineral TMAZ Zeolite. I have since taken TMAZ Zeolite at 20 microns for over 6 months the small particle size allows the Zeolites mineral sieve access into the blood, brain and into the cells themselves which is exactly what i was searching for.
I am generally healthy and eat 95% organic food but still suffered from regular colds and flu which would last over two weeks at a time, usually passed on from my children's school. I also suffered from depression, hormonal mood swings and regular stress induced cold sore outbreaks.
After the first week i felt strongly revitalised and found my days were running in a much simpler and stress free way, I also noticed that my skin was brighter and even toned. After six weeks i felt a lull in how much more 'awake' I felt as though I had reached a plateau. After this I have continued to feel better in myself overall and my productivity has increased considerably
but the main effects for me are when I catch a bug it only lasts for 48 hours maximum and not only does it pass by quickly but doesn't stop me from functioning and the bug seems 'mild'.
Also as a lifetime sufferer of severe outbreaks of cold sore (hepatitis II virus) I am happy to report I haven't had an outbreak since I started taking Zeolite, I usually get an outbreak every 6-8 weeks and I also suffered from neuralgia and ulsers in my mouth which often accompanied the cold sore outbreaks and I havent had these problems either and my verruca has also gone..
I intend to take Zeolite as mineral supplement for the rest of my life."
Jessie - Artist
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