Snowdrop Zeolite
..discussing the health benefits of
TMAZ Zeolite Clinoptilolite.
Anti-cancer> Antioxidant> Anti-fungal> Immune booster>
PH Balancer> Heavy Metal Chelation> Radiation Removal>
Wound Treatment> Athletes recovery time reduction> IBS Reliever> Weight loss aid> Reduces Hepatitis & Herpies Symptoms> Antiacid>
Chemotherapy and radiotherapy
Numerous clinical experiences throughout the world, especially in America, have confirmed that zeolite facilitates the submission of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, it improves the general condition of the patient, reduces nausea and contributes to faster recovery.
Due to the know absorption properties of zeolite, it detoxifies the body of cancer patients, reducies and eliminates the side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, thus contributing to faster recovery. In many cases, when the patients cannot tolerate chemotherapy and have been temporarily or permanently stop receiving therapy for various reasons, zeolite treatment usually enables the submission program of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
Zeolite removes the byproducts of chemotherapy and dead cells, rapidly repairs the effects of oxidative stress necessarily caused by chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and restores immunity.
- Zeolite is recommended to be taken with chemotherapy or radiation, because it significantly reduces the problems caused by this therapy and allows patients a faster recovery.
- Clinical experience has shown that zeolite reduces the need for analgesics and narcotics and helps to reduce and eliminate fluid from the body.
- Some biochemical and hematological symptoms are normalized : SE , E , L , Tr , GGT , AST , ALT , wherein the balancing of the sedimentation level is of particular importance; increases the level of iron in the blood and an increase in the number of blood cells. It generally improves the health of patients, which creates preconditions for the implementation and continued use of chemotherapy.
- Zeolite mitigates the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy, for example: vomiting, nausea, loss of appetite,
weight loss, etc.
- The fungi in the mouth and esophagus disappear, a common in chemotherapy, which make recovery difficult.
- Visibly improves the general condition of patients, they gain weight.
- In most people depression and insomnia disappear, making them feel alive again. Zeolite allows patients who undergo chemotherapy or radiation to significantly improve their general condition.